Japanese Samurai Warriors

Japanese Samurai Warriors

japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

Since Rashido was a young boy, growing up in the mean streats of japan, he wanted to be a deadly samurai warrior
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

At age 7 his family is murdered by a band of ruthless ninjas who have turned their backs on the ninja code of ethics. They had no heart and murdered everything in their paths but for some reason rather than killing Rashido they decided to take him on and teach him the dark art of the ninja even though deep down in his heart he knew he was samurai through and through.
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

The first thing they taught their dark demon students was to disregard any compassion towards human life. That is the one difference and advantage they would have over the kind hearted samurai foe of the dynasty clan.

They often took target practice on the few Japanese townspeople who are unfortunate enough to be stuck in this small village of evil. Even though Rashido did not like abusing the innocent souls he felt it was neccessary to learn the complete ninja training combined with his samurai heart and one day he would have his revenge.
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

At age 16 Rashido had become a very powerful Ninja warrior but years and years of living and learning with this evil force was beginning to turn his heart cold and evil. He always had his fathers samurai hat, armor and sword to remind him of his righteous path

japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

At age 19 he has moved up to the highest ranks of the ninja clan and has learned all of the dark secrets of the warriors. One night, after hours of meditation, he comes to the conclusion that it is time to destroy this evil force that murdered his parents so many years ago. Over the next two years he begins to set in motion his diabolic plan. He makes sure every last minute detail is covered.
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

He begins slowly poisoning every one in the ninja training camp with small unnoticeable doses of a lethal toxin that weakens the person ingesting it over time. He also begins to pay close attention to how every one in the camp fights learning each warriors weakness and devising his own method to beat them should it come down to a hand to hand combat situation

japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

The way of the samurai warrior has grown stronger in him and has cleansed him of all evil that was attempting to corrupt his soul. A lifetime of meditation has left Rashido with a pure mind extending his fighting capabilities ten fold. his fighting power now borders on the supernatural. His chi is so strong he was said to be able to smash bricks into dust without even touching them
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

He enlists the help of his only trustworthy friend in the ninja training camp and on his 21st birthday they begin to set the plan in motion. Begging everyone to drink a birthday toast with him he administers a stronger dose of the poison he has been feeding them over the years that is designed to accelerate the effects of poison already in the system and leave the victims almost paralyzed in a sluggish state.
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

Now that all the ninja's are drunk and poisoned Rashido and his trusty side kick emerge dressed head to toe in samurai battle armor and hats with razor sharp katana blades in their hands.
They wait for the first weakened ninja to insult them on their outfits and then they begin to hack and slice everyone to pieces.
Every last shred of the ninja dynasty was burned and destroyed and in its place arose a samurai dynasty with Rashido as the grandmaster. He erected a temple in honor of his slain parents
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

Rashido grew to be an old man. Fighting many battles and always honoring the samurai way of life. He spawned a fine lineage of warrior descendants that carried on the samurai traditions.
japanese samurai warrior pictures

Japanese Samurai Warriors

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